Unit Tests
Both JUnit and XMLUnit are supported. Here is a basic test that creates an app and runs it, feeding the required user input. Notice the use of TrailWrapper, a flow object that tracks execution in a trail of flow object names. The test shown below is in org.speakright.sro.tests and uses the MockSpeechPageWriter. This mock object remembers the rendered SpeechPage object which can then be checked to see if the expected grammars and prompts are there.
@Test public void testConfirmNo()
SRApp flow = createApp(true);
TrailWrapper wrap1 = new TrailWrapper(flow);
SRInstance run = StartIt(wrap1);
Proceed(run, "2", "num", 40); //question with low confidence
Proceed(run, "no"); //reject the confirmation
Proceed(run, "8", "num"); //question again
Proceed(run, ""); //you said...
assertEquals("fail", false, run.isFailed());
assertEquals("fin", true, run.isFinished());
assertEquals("start", true, run.isStarted());
ChkTrail(run, "SROQuantity;ConfYNFlow;SROQuantity;PFlow");
assertEquals("city", "8", M.city().get());
XMLUnit can also be used. See the TestRender.java file in org.speakright.core.tests. XML comparison is more fussy (and slower), but you can check the actual VoiceXML.
Next up is the ISRInteractiveTester class. Use it in a console-app for executing a SpeakRight app interactively from the keyboard. See InteractiveTester.java in org.speakright.core.tests for an example. Run this file as a Java application.
Here are the commands it uses:
SpeakRight ITester..The out command causes each rendered VoiceXML page to be output as a file (page1.vxml, page2.vxml, etc).
RUNNING App2.........
1> ???
available cmds:
q -- quit
go -- run or proceed
bye -- simulate a DISCONNECT
echo -- toggle echo of generated content
version -- display version
status -- show interpreter status
out -- turn on file output of each page in tmpfiles dir
ret -- set return url
gramurl -- gram base dir
prompturl -- prompt base dir
html -- switch to HTML output
vxml -- switch to VXML output
Running Servlet in HTML mode
Once you're satisfied with your app, it's time to test it inside a real servlet. Write your servlet; the one that will output VoiceXML. However when you run it, add the CGI param "mode=html", like this:
MyServlet3 is the name of your dynamic web project, and App1 is the servlet inside it.
Running Servlet in VoiceXML mode
OK, time for the real thing. Point your VoiceXML platform at your servlet's URL, like this:
Some platforms (such as Voxeo's) have a real-time debugger that shows events and log messages as they occur.
You can also use the log4j log file that SpeakRight writes. Here's a sample:
03-03 11:32:12.015 [or24] INFO srf - SR: startAppAutomated Testing
03-03 11:32:12.015 [or24] INFO srf - START: MyApp
03-03 11:32:12.015 [or24] INFO srf - push MyApp
03-03 11:32:12.015 [or24] INFO srf - push PFlow
03-03 11:32:12.015 [or24] INFO srf - EXEC PFlow
03-03 11:32:12.031 [or24] DEBUG srf - prompt (1 items): Welcome to Joe's Pizza
03-03 11:32:12.359 [or24] INFO srf - SR: writing content.
03-03 11:32:12.375 [or24] INFO srf - SR: saving state.
03-03 11:32:12.375 [or24] INFO srf - SR: done.
03-03 11:32:14.109 [or25] INFO srf - SR: doing POST
See Automated Testing.
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